7 Feb 2012

'International Woman' Group Exhibition @ Warrington Museum

'International Woman' brings together a stellar roster of more than 15 artists from 10 countries, being the first exhibition in the UK that highlights the cross-over of the Pop Surrealism and Urban fine art movements under one roof. Working in underground art movements these women have forged names for themselves by pushing the boundaries of contemporary art, experimenting with new mediums, ideas and visual concepts. Individually they have enhanced the overall direction of these underground movements, and as a collective they have changed the way women are viewed in urban culture today. 

Exhibiting artists: 
Catalina Estrada, Cheryl Dunn, Elizabeth Mcgrath, Faith 47, Hera, Kukula, 
Mel Kadel, Miss Van, Pam Glew, Sarah Joncas, Stella Im Hultberg, Swoon, 
Tara Mcpherson and Xue Wang. 

Curated by Frankie Shea and Tina Ziegler

Opening reception: March 29 th 2012. 6pm
On display until 7 July 2012
Museum Street, Warrington, WA1 1JB. United Kingdom


illustration poetry said...

i think your work is outstanding, congrats :))

stevenjared0853 said...

International women's day celebration is a wonderful idea. I am planning a surprise birthday party for my best friend at one of beautiful Chicago venues in a couple of weeks. Planning a princess theme party to make her feel special. Hope she enjoys her day to the fullest.